Embassy of Israel
Media Affairs
Yesterday afternoon (15/12/2009), the Israeli Ambassador HE Ron Prosor met with the Foreign Secretary David Miliband, to voice concern at the direction of relations between the two countries, in light of the attempted issuing of an arrest warrant to Tzipi Livni.
Speaking after the meeting, Mr Prosor said:
“The current situation is absurd and unacceptable in equal measure.
Israelis cannot continually be held hostage by fringe groups of anti-Israel extremists, preventing politicians, businessmen and officers from visiting the United Kingdom.
Both our countries are on the frontline fighting terrorism, and this fight is too important to allow it to be hijacked by anybody.
I emphasised to the Foreign Secretary that following similarly troubling events in recent years, this should now act as a wake-up call. The British Government must take a firm stand to prevent British courts becoming a playground for anti-Israel extremists.
The friendship between Israel and the UK is of crucial strategic importance to both our democracies, and Israel welcomes Britain playing a key role within the Middle East peace process. Yet such a role will be impossible if senior Israeli figures cannot enter the UK without fear of arrest.”
For further information, please contact Eliot Pollak on 020 7957 9540